Rebuilding ChCh - youth perspectives, May 14, 2011

Social Innovation charitable trust are organising a three day event where young people can gather together to consider their vision of a rebuilt Christchurch.Registration details are here. On the registration website is the following introduction and programme:
This event is one of several youth focused workshops and seminars that are being held over time in Christchurch to engage young people in the decision-making process and capture the variety of perspectives.
9.30am: Registration -
10-1020: Welcome & introduction
1020-1100:  Speaker 1
1100-1120: Morning tea
1120-1200: Speaker 2
1200-1230: Briefings + Q&A session
1230-1.30: Lunch
1.30-3.30: Collaboration cafe sessions
3.30 -4.30pm: Plenary fedback & where to next
4.30-7pm: Music & BBQ
The event has been designed to be fluid enough so that issues can be explored more deeply if that is the wish of the gathering.
An ambassadorial group will attend the second day of the City Council facilitated community expo at the CBS Arena on Sunday 15 May btwn 10am & 5pm. The expo is where the people of Chch can start sharing their ideas for the redevelopment of our city's earthquake-damaged CBD.
Following this day long workshop is "Youth Vision 2050" -  20-22 May - attendees receive a free ticket to TEDxEQCHCH. Spaces are limited.  Event produced by One Christchurch and Social Innovation.
Get involved - find out more from or 021 082 363 57

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