Central City Plan - FAQ

The CCC's Central City Plan FAQ was updated today. The headings for the additional information are:
  1. When will the draft Central City Plan be available for consultation? (16th of August)
  2. Where can I get a copy of the draft Plan? (On-line from the 16th and a summary of the draft Plan will be delivered to all households in Christchurch during the weekend 20 and 21 August).
  3. Can I talk to anyone about the draft Plan?
  4. I can’t attend the roadshow when it’s in my neighbourhood, are there any other options to see this material?
  5. How can I make a written comment?
  6. Has Council involved Ngai Tahu, ECan and CERA in the process as under the Act?
  7. Why are my ideas not in the Plan?
  8. When does this period of written comments close?
  9. What happens once this period for written comments closes?
  10. Why is the Council simply not relocating the Central City to another area of Christchurch?
  11. How does the work being done align with other Council strategies and plans?
The FAQ can be found here.

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