EQC - The first Geotech Interpretative reports have been released.

The geotech interpretative reports for Brooklands and Spencerville have been released. The Brooklands report is here and the Spencerville report here.

The release of these reports mean that in Zones A and B repair and rebuilding work can commence, subject to the assessment and paperwork requirements of EQR/Fletchers or the project managers for the insurance companies. However, as I understand it, there is no clarity yet as to who will do the land remediation work; neither EQR/Fletchers nor the insurance companies currently see that as part of their role.

EQC describe the reports in this way:
The factual and interpretative reports summarise the ground testing work which has been undertaken in the suburbs and provide the necessary technical information for engineers to progress the design of the perimeter treatment work as well as the design of foundations for houses which need to be rebuilt. The interpretative reports present details of the investigations and interpretations of the subsurface geological conditions of the specific suburb. They are being used by engineers to design the additional land remediation works where necessary and can be used, in conjunction with the Department of Building and Housing guidance document, by private insurers (and their engineers) to design the foundations for the houses which need to be repaired or rebuilt (to satisfy building consent requirements). The reports will also be used by the councils and their engineers to design the infrastructure repair works.
For claimants in Zone C, repair and rebuilding work will take place as part of a coordinated effort and for those in Zone A and B, repair and rebuilding work can get underway, once insurance assessments are completed and building consents have been granted where required.

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