Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild - starts today

I attended the start-up ceremony for the infrastructure rebuild this morning. Held at Burwood Park, it commenced with a formal welcome followed by speeches by Bob Parker (a polished performance) and Gerry Brownlee (a good speaker). Also present were Phil Gough, Brendon Burns, Nicky Wagner and Dame Margaret Bazley (ECan Commissioner)

It was basically an "in-house" function for the Council and the various contractors, plus associated organisations such as ECan. There was little hard information, however some tentative targets were announced for various initial activities. You will find this information in the "Rebuild News" newsletter (mentioned in the previous post) being delivered tomorrow.

The highlight was meeting Vern, a civil engineer with a house near Horseshoe Lake, who has spent quite a bit of time looking around and analysing physical aspects of the quake. He and his neighbours are in Zone C, so much of today's announcements will have little short or medium term relevance for them.

Mayor Bob Parker giving the opening speech

Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee

Avonside, Burwood, and Dallington drop in centre

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