Rates Relief

The CCC today released information on the type and amounts of rate relief available to property owners.

The highlights for residential property owners are:
Residential properties:
 Remit 40% of rates for residential properties on land requiring remediation by the EQC from 1 September 2010 until rebuilding has been completed or six months after land remediation has been completed if building has not begun – whichever is earlier;
 Remit 40% of rates for residential properties requiring demolition and rebuild by insurance companies, for the period during which the house cannot be occupied;
 Remit 40% of rates for three months to those properties that remain unable to connect to the reticulated wastewater network at 31 October 2010.
These terms also apply to churches and non-rateable properties.
Discounts have been set at a level that reflects what it would normally have cost to provide services through the Council’s reticulated wastewater network if it had not been damaged by the earthquake.

The full press release is available here:


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