Geotech - Perry Drilling

The geotech drilling rig referred to in the previous entry belongs to Perry Drilling Limited of Tauranga. Their website doesn't seem to give much useful information however, in case you are curious, click here: 

One thing I did find out is that the device below is called a CPTR (cone penetation testing rig) which they say is:
ideal for analysis of soil profiles (thickness, density, and strength of various soil deposits), indicating the soil type from the relationships of the measured parameters, estimating shear strengths of cohesive soils, providing SPT N60 equivalent values, determination of settlement values and bearing capacities of spread foundations on granular soils, pile capacity in cohesionless soils, compaction control of soils, location of cavities and soil rock interfaces, enabling optimum location of boreholes and selective sampling programs. Configured for Vertex Soil Sampling, ability to install Standpipes, or Monitoring Wells, and Seismic Cone Penetration testing using Tri-Axle Accelerometers.

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