Essential Contacts

The contacts listed below are from the Government website .

They were current as of 12/11/2010.

Essential contacts

Earthquake Government Helpline (24 hours): 0800 779 997

A 24/7 service for people requiring information on income support, housing options, health issues, community assistance, Civil Defence or any other government service.

Healthline (24 hours): 0800 611 116

The service is staffed by registered nurses who will assess your health needs, and give information and advice to help you decide on the best level of care.

Earthquake Commission (EQC): 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243)

For information on EQC’s insurance cover, cleaning up and making a claim.

Christchurch City Council customer services: 03 941 8999

For assessment of major structural damage to your home or business premises or for help with essential council services such as water supply or sewage disposal.

Federated Farmers helpline: 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646)

For information, advice and contacts for Canterbury farmers (weekdays 8.30am - 5pm).

Business helpline: 0800 42 49 46

Information for business owners.

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