Earthquake Rates Relief

The CCC today, via its Stronger Christchurch Recovery eNewsletter, released information on the level of rates relief available for residential and business properties.

The information, along with a rates relief application form, is available on the Council's website here.

For residential properties the rates and criteria are:
The residential package is to remit:
•40% of rates for residential properties on land requiring remediation by the EQC, from 1 September 2010 until rebuilding has been completed or six months after land remediation has been completed if building has not commenced – whichever is earlier;
•40% of rates for residential properties requiring demolition and rebuild by insurance companies, for the period which the house is unable to be occupied;
•40% of rates for three months to those properties that remained unable to connect to the reticulated wastewater network at 31 October 2010;
This package applies to churches and other non-rateable properties.
A link to an application form is on the page.

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