Geotechnical earthquake engineering practice

The New Zealand Geotechnical Society have produced a publication called Geotechnical earthquake engineering practice:  Module 1 – Guideline for the identification, assessment and mitigation of liquefaction hazards . It was published in June 2010 as a draft with a one year period for comments. There is no sign of an updated version so it may, or may not, be up to date.

The publication arose from a desire to bring uniformity of practice within New Zealand by producing guidelines. It is a technical document, very much so in some parts, but does give some idea of what procedures are used in assessing land and how these procedures are carried out. Also useful for the lay person in TC3 areas. What you don't understand from this document may be the basis for asking questions when site specific assessments are to be done.

It can be downloaded from their website here.

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