Earthquake Royal Commission - submissions added to the on-line document library

The Earthquake Royal Commission has been adding a number of institutional and personal submissions to its on-line document library in recent days.

Today submissions primarily cover aspects of seismicity and soils, with some on engineering. Two historical documents were also loaded.

The book Christchurch - Swamp to City - A Short History of the Christchurch Drainage Board 1875-1989 has been uploaded in PDF format. It contains the full text which is a detailed history of how the city's storm water and sewage systems were developed. The PDF file contains all the maps including a copy of the "Back Maps". It is here.

Also added is a copy of the booklet,  Drainage Scheme - Christchurch and the Suburbs, written by William Clark and published in 1878. The author paints an interesting picture of the damp and less than sanitary state of Christchurch at the time and describes how he thinks storm water and sewage should be disposed of. There is an amazing amount of technical detail. The last page is a plan of a water privy showing the arrangement for cleansing by waste water from an artesian well. You can find it here.

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