Fletchers update - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -- Part 1

As mentioned in a recent post, Fletchers have made three important additions to their EQC - Helping the recovery in Canterbury website at www.eqr.co.nz. One of these is the FAQ page with a series of questions that attempt to cover the background and processes of the work Fletchers will manage.

The page is divided into four sections. Each section describes an aspect of the process, and within each section are questions, and answers, that Fletchers anticipate are most likely to be raised. There is a lot of very useful information here, however some of the answers raise more, as yet, unanswered questions.

The section headings and their associated questions are:

Section 1 – General
1. What exactly is Fletcher Construction's role in the earthquake recovery process?
2. Who is doing the building work?
3. What about materials. Who will be the suppliers?
4. You have said Fletcher Construction is acting as agent for EQC. Exactly what is EQC's role?
5. What stage are we at in the project?
6. How long is this project going to take?
7. How is the work being managed 'on the ground'?
8. How are we selecting and screening the contractors?
9. What is the quality assurance process?
Section 2 – Property Owners
10. I understand that EQC has passed my claim on to the Fletcher Construction PMO. When will work start on my house?
11. How is it decided which houses are repaired first?
12. Where are the Hub offices' and what are their contact numbers?
13. What if I have to move out of my house while repairs are being made?
Section 3 – Repair Process
14. How will the EQR repair process work?
15. My house is old and higher specification repairs may be required to meet modern building codes. Will these codes be met?
16. Do I get to approve the proposed repairs before the works start?
17. Can I select my own contractor to carry out the work?
18. Can I instruct the contractors directly regarding what work to carry out at my property?
19. What if I have a complaint or problem during the construction works?
Section 4 – Claim Information
20. Can I have a copy of the drawings, specifications and other technical reports that relate to my property?
21. Can I have a copy of the EQC assessor's cost estimate?
22. How will my excess be deducted if EQR manages my house repairs?
The page in question is available here. 

Depending on the browser you use, and its settings, you may not be able to see all of the questions and all of the answers on the screen at the same time. In addition you may not be able to print them out in full either. If you are keen to do this, and are using Firefox along with Noscript, forbid googleapis.com and all should be revealed. If none of this makes sense to you, our printed copy is available.

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