What next after the 2nd Geotech report – Zones and Timelines

Who is in what zone?

Cowlishaw Street, Chaddesden Lane and Patten Street are classified as Zone B, with Retreat Road as Zone C (see Appendix B, page B-5). This is obviously a generalisation as the boundary on the map runs where the fence is between our place, Alan's and others, and the neighbours on the Retreat Road side of the fence. Chances are damage to land did not follow fence lines.

The significance of the Zones is that Zone B is considered to be an area requiring no major land remediation and that work can commence independently of works on public land (protective work around the river) and other properites in the same suburb. Work can start quickly in Zone B. Unfortunately Retreat Road is Zone C where wider coordination will be required and there will be a slower start to work on properties.

The report has this to say about Zones B and C:

2.2   Zone B

Zone B land has mostly suffered some land damage as a result of liquefaction. T&T engineers consider that this land has now mostly returned to its pre-earthquake strength, although the ground surface may be disturbed and require minor surface levelling and compaction. EQC will generally cover the cost of this surface remediation work.

2.3   Zone C

Zone C is the land which has generally suffered very severe or major land damage, or is close to the areas of major remedial works. It includes a buffer area, where required, to provide adequate space to undertake the works and protect neighbouring buildings. Zone C also includes some areas of moderate land damage which require a wider-scale, coordinated remediation programme than the land in Zone B. Land remediation and building work in Zone C will require suburb-specific geotechnical reporting, engineering design and major remediation works. These will differ from suburb to suburb to meet the target land performance standard as adopted by the Government. Repair or rebuilding of houses in this area will need to be staged so that repairs and rebuilding work can be undertaken in association with land and infrastructure remediation.


Zone  B: The main report states (page 13) that work will be staged and anticipates the first repaired/rebuilt houses will be complete by May 2011. All repairs/rebuilds should be completed by May 2013.

Zone C: Land remediation and infrastructure reconstruction will commence in February 2011 and the first remediated areas ready for reconstruction by April 2011 (page 14). The first repaired/rebuilt houses will be complete by August 2011. All repairs/rebuilds should be completed by August 2013.

(Lawrence's NOTE: these timelines have to be considered indicative as there are so many things that could happen including: ongoing after shocks, bad weather, process issues involving insurance companies, availability of builders and other trades, supplies of materials, disputes and lawyers.)

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